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Unaffiliated Dressage - Last comp for the year

20 November

When your photographer is talented and makes a bad day look like a good day.....

And despite a naughty cross pony, I'm completely in love with this picture of him x

It's tempting to put these photos up and pretend we had a good day on Monday.... we were 2nd and 4th - sounds great doesn't it? Technically, last and yep, last.

Fred was being full on 'Ginger Spice'. Very naughty in the warm up, leaping around like a loon every time we tried to get into canter, or even trot to begin with. As a result we did our Novice test without having even had a canter, or even managed to do anything less than a 20m circle without a buck, fart, bounce and spin.

I contemplated quitting after the Novice, but I thought the best idea would be to take the little Sod back in to the Ele, and although he was a little shit, I managed to squeeze 62.81 out of a very cross naughty Ginger in the Ele, because mummy was equally cross. The only plus was that spicy or cross Fred makes his withers and shoulders lift

That's what happens when you don't compete for 2 months. Sigh must get out more regularly......

Love him anyway.

Thank you Brian for the beautiful pics

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