24 July 2019 - Mendip Plains
75cm is now our baseline. That's the smallest now out competing. He's flying them, so it's upwards and onwards (deliberately reversing that well know saying there).
Fred is just coming on so well now. He warmed up beautifully and I really mean BEAUTIFULLY especially given the insane temperatures this week. Unfortunately the judge started late (again) and in this heat Freddie's energy was waning. Then, double checking the whip rule (probably should have just ridden with it) the judge confirmed BE rules (although whips have been allowed at the previous events) and without my tickle stick we lost the impulsion and forwardness which means you can't get the supple/self carriage that we had before. Spurs next time. But scored 35 so.....
We then had the best part of an hour until the jumping. There was a nice breeze coming across the fields (a welcome breeze in summer, a not-so-welcome breeze in the winter) which helped for the next phase. Fred was lethargic in the warm up and then just as I was wondering where the jumping impulsion might come from, Fred decided that two empty chairs in the arena where just THE most scary thing he'd ever seen, like ever, ever, ever, ever, and thus the impulsion question was answered. He made me ride hard the whole round but he jumped well and we just had the last fence because as we turned for it, Fred was trying to 'start a conversation' with the cows the other side of the fence and I was trying to get him to focus on the jump.
Looking back, I probably over-rode it and pushed him into the base so he took it with us. If I'd have just sat quiet, he may have been clear or he may have had it down anyway for not 'being in the room'. Everyone in the class had 4 faults and with the dressage scores all so tight, for any one of us to go clear would have meant a win. Still Fred and I finished on 35 dressage and 4 Show jumping so 39 for 3rd place, just one point off the winner on 38.