2 March 2019
I wasn't sure how or whether to acknowledge this win but I decided, in the end, that I was going to post it up because whilst I know that we didn't do a great test..... (he had 'Freddie-pony-pants-distracted-brain' on and I have had the 'monkey-on-shoulder' turned up to volume 10+1.....) we got out there anyway.
Yes, it was a less than average score, yes, there were only 4 in the class, but still, on the day, we were the best of the four.
Further, I have read a lot of meme's recently which point out that failing is not doing something rather than trying and not winning - a sentiment that rings true for many of us I'm sure.
And so, after falling over the carpet leading to the dressage arena, (you're so very like your mother Fred) and then strutting past the whiteboards only to be completely ambushed by the shutting of the killer door - which demanded all of the Fred-brain - our sticky test just happened to achieve this - a first place. Only the third time in my life I have won an individual first.
All things considered, I am glad to have added this post, so that in a year's time when I'm adding a new post, I will remember how far we have come and that some days the universe rewards you just for trying.
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